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Parsha & Haftarah Study

This week's Torah & Haftarah Portions
in Hebrew and transliterated English. Torah portions divided by alyahot. Also, hear the trope chanted. Search by date for any Torah or Haftarah reading.  Find your Bar/Bat Mitzvah reading.

Chumash Search By Chapter and Verse
Find the English translation of any verse of the Pentateuch.

Ellie's Trope Tutor

Weekly Torah Commentaries:

Torah Fax In Cyberspace

Chancellor Schorsch's Parashat Hashavuah from JTS (Conservative)

Aish HaTorah's Parsha Page:
4 commentaries each week

Torat Hayim - Living Torah:
Weekly Torah Study from UAH (Reform

Lubavitch In Cyberspace:
Weekly Parsha Commentary

Parsha Encounters:
Weekly Commentary from
The Chicago Community Kolle

Know Your Haftarahs:
Commentaries from Kollel Toras
Chesed in Skokie

Ohr Somayach Torah Weekly & Parsha Q & A

Parshas Hashavua about 18  different commentaries from Shema Yisrael Torah Network

Bar-Ilan University's Parshat Hashavua Study Center

Shabbat Candle Lighting,
Saturday Sunset Times and
the Torah Portion for this week





Daf Yomi
Each day Jewish people in communities  throughout the world study the same portion
of the Talmud

"Make A Fence Around The Torah"