Chicago Synagogues:  Near North / Downtown Conservative Congregation



  Chicago's Central Synagogue Central Synagogue of Chicago The South Side Hebrew Congregation    
The Traditional Egalitarian Conservative Synagogue of the Near North Side of Chicago
The spiritual home of people who reside
throughout Chicago and the suburbs.
Affiliated with the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism


Home:  Shabbat Services - Events  Find Us/Contact Us   More About Us  


Jewish Chicago HaMacomA Unique Urban CongregationJewish Chicago HaMacom
The Only Centrally Located 
Traditional Egalitarian Conservative 
Congregation  in Chicago
With Congregants From All Over Chicagoland

A small, warm, friendly congregation
where everyone counts
and everyone is welcome.

A Traditional approach to Judaism
with contemporary insights.

If you are looking for a spiritual home 
please visit us.
You are welcome to join us 
in prayer, study and for social activities.


Jewish Chicago HaMacomHighly Rated by Chicago VisitorsJewish Chicago HaMacom
Walking distance from Near North Hotels

A great place to worship on
Shabbat morning.

When visiting Chicago daven with us!
Come for a meaningful
Shabbat morning service
and stay for lunch.


Jewish Chicago HaMacomWelcome To Central SynagogueJewish Chicago HaMacom
If you are New To Chicago,
or Just Moved Back to the City 
From the Suburbs,
or were here all the time but just found
Central Synagogue....
We are your Urban Chicago
Conservative Synagogue,
Please Join Us!


Jewish Chicago HaMacomShabbat ShalomJewish Chicago HaMacom
Shabbat Services
Every Saturday Morning
9:10 am
15 W Delaware Pl

(the Chicago Sinai Congregation building)
Come for the service stay for Kiddush Lunch
Contact Information


Jewish Chicago HaMacomLooking for AlumniJewish Chicago HaMacom
in 2008 we will celebrate the 120th anniversary
of the founding of the South Side Hebrew Congregation. We are planning a year of celebrations along with a printed history. If you attended the South Side Hebrew Congregation,  know anyone who did, please let us know.

Click Here


Jewish Chicago HaMacom

Visit Jewish Chicago HaMacom Web Address for the Chicago Jewish Community, with Synagogue. Organization & Kosher Directories, Message Boards, and Jewish Singles Place.

The United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism

The Jewish Theological Seminary of America


Web site hosting and design by: HositngChicago
Let Hosting Chicago design or host  your web site and Central Synagogue will earn a percentage.



Help raise funds for Central Synagogue by
purchasing goods and services you
you would purchase anyway!
A unique Chicago virtual sales center for Jewish
book and gift items, as well as a wide variety of general merchandise and services, from well know Internet merchants.

The Central Synagogue Gift Shop  
Books, Music, Electronics, Apparel, Toys, Office Supplies, Web Hosting & Design, & more....

We are pleased to announce

Hazzan Rabbi Shlomo Shuster
will be joining

Hazzan Toby Lou Hayman
and our professional choir
for 5767 High Holy Day Services

for membership & ticket information call us:
312 787-0450


Students & Young Adults
You are always welcome at Central Synagogue.
On the High Holidays you are invited
to participate & worship with our Congregation,
in our main service, not a second service.
Tickets Required for High Holiday Services
Please call for Information  312 787-0450


Tisha B'Av Service
Wed Evening August 2, 7:45 PM
15 W. Delaware Pl (Sinai Building 3rd Floor)

Maariv Service and reading of Eicha, the Book
of Lamentations, on the Ninth of Av. Congregants share responsibility for chanting this book. 

Tisha B'Av commemorates the destruction of
the First and Second Temples as well as
other catastrophes in later Jewish history.


 Book Discussion Group
Join us for a lively discussion & brunch
Free - at congregants home
Reservations: 312 787-0450

Book Discussion Series, Sunday, August 10 12:30 PM
"God in Search of Man"
by Abraham Joshua Heschel

God in Search of Man: A Philosophy of Judaism is among Abraham Joshua Heschel's most comprehensive studies of the Jewish religion. It is a work of impeccable scholarship conveyed with absolute clarity, in a spirit of utmost reverence and compassion. "Religion is an answer to man's ultimate questions," Heschel declares on the book's first page. Religion that forgets its roots in humanity's lived experience, religion that inadequately addresses the earthly realities of life, Heschel says, is false religion. And yet, Heschel asserts that religion is not a vehicle by which humanity draws closer to God; it is always God who reaches out to humanity through religion. "Judaism is God's quest for man. The Bible is a record of God's approach to His people. More statements are found in the Bible about God's love for Israel than about Israel's love for God.



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(© 2006 Central Synagogue of Chicago - The Traditional Egalitarian Conservative Synagogue